Properties of Modified Gelatin-Poly(vinyl alcohol) for Wound Covering Material
Kim KY, Min DS, Chung YS
화상 치료용 개질 Gelatin-Poly(vinyl alcohol)의 성질
김계용, 민동선, 정연석
Water-insoluble copolymer was synthesized by grafting N-vinyl pyrrolidone on gelatin-PVA complex for the possibility of artificial skin-substitute. The water content of copolymer ranged 77∼88% and increased with gelatin contents. The tensile strength of synthesized film was 240 kg /cm2 in dry state and 2∼4 kg/cm2 in wet state. Elongation was 5% in dry state and increased to 220∼350% when the material soaked the water. The oxygen permeability of 2.2∼4.5×10-7cm3(STP)cm/cm2·sec·cmHg was considered to be reasonably good. Water vapor transmission rate showed 0.4g/cm2/day, greater than that for a desired artificial skin. The rate of biodegradation was fast initially and reached to an equilibrium state after 2∼8days, and increased with gelatin contents. The shape of membrane was sustained even after 40∼70% of degradation. The modified gelatin- PVA having antimicrobial(silver sulfadiazine) was prepared to evaluate the effect of the suppression of bacterial proliferation. The release rate of first 12 hours was 70∼80%, meaning that this material was showed the effective suppression of bacterial proliferation. The residual antimicrobial was believed to prevent the infection of bacteria during wound healing. The present material seems to be suitable for wound dressing.
Gelatin-poly(vinyl alcohol) complex에 N-vinyl pyrrolidone을 graft시켜 물에 녹지않는 물질을 합성하여 인공피부로서의 사용가능성을 검토하였다. 함수율은 77∼88%였으며 gelatin의 함유량이 클수록 증가하는 경향을 나타내었다. 인장강도는 건조시에 240kg/cm2이며 습윤시는 2∼4 kg/cm2으로 감소하였다. 신장율은 건조시 5%이었으나 습윤시는 220∼350%로 증가하였다. 산소투과성은 2.2∼4.5×10-7cm3 (STP) cm/cm2·sec·cmHg로 우수하였으며 수증기투과성은 0.4g/cm2/day였다. 생체분해 속도는 초기에 빨랐으나 시간의 증가와 함께 서서히 감소하여 2∼8일 이후에는 거의 평형상태에 도달하였다. 분해율은 gelatin의 함유량이 많을수록 증가하였으며 40∼70%가 분해된 상태에서도 막의 형태를 그대로 유지하였다. Silver sulfadiazine에 의한 세균억제 실험결과, 초기 12시간에 70∼80%의 항균제 방출로 충분한 살균효과를 나타내었으며 잔여 항균제의 서방성으로 사용기간중에 충분한 항균효과를 가져 올 것으로 생각된다.
Polymer(Korea) 폴리머
Frequency : Bimonthly(odd)
ISSN 0379-153X(Print) ISSN 2234-8077(Online) Abbr. Polym. Korea