• Determination of the Composition of the Reaction Mixtures for the Slurry Random Copolymerization of Ethylene and Propylene
  • Lee KH, Yoon JS, Kim JY, Jeong YT, Lee DH
  • Ethylene-Propylene의 Slurry 공중합 반응기내의 조성결정
  • 이계환, 윤진산, 김재연, 정영태, 이동호
The compositions of the ethylene-propylene random copolymerization system were determined using values of the properties of the reaction mixtures which could be measured continuously, and the possibility of the on -line control for the reaction was investigated. A combination of temperature, pressure, density and thermal conductivity predicted most accurately the composition of the reactants. However application to the process control seems to be difficult when the molecular weight of the copolymer exceeds 40,000 at which a small measuring error would give rise to a large change in the molecular weight of the copolymers.

에틸렌-프로픽렌 random copolymerization 반응계의 조성을 연속적인 측정비 가능한 반응물의 특성치를 사용하여 결정한으로써 on-line제어의 가능성을 조사하였다. 온도, 압력, 밀도 및 열전도도의 조합이 반응액의 조성을 가장 정확하게 결정하여 주었으나 공중합체의 분자량이 40,000이상일 때는 측정오차에 따른 중합체의 분자량 변화가 과도할 것으로 예상 된다.

  • Polymer(Korea) 폴리머
  • Frequency : Bimonthly(odd)
    ISSN 0379-153X(Print)
    ISSN 2234-8077(Online)
    Abbr. Polym. Korea
  • 2023 Impact Factor : 0.4
  • Indexed in SCIE

This Article

  • 1988; 12(8): 693-701

    Published online Dec 25, 1988