Solubility Parameter and Solvent Selection Adhesives
Kim KU, Park TS, Lee KC
용해도 파라미터와 접착제의 용매선정
김광웅, 박태석, 이기창
To reduce toxicity of organic solvents and to improve low temperature stability of adhesives, two new mixed solvent systems were identified. Based on solubility of Neoprene, two solvent systems selected were acetone/cyclohexane and acetone/S-100. New solvent system reduced toxicity to less than half of the existing adhesive without any sacrifice of adhesion strengths. However, the phenolic resin which was added to improved adhesion was best at 25% level to Neoprene for the maximum adhesion strengths. The low temperature stability which has been a problem of the small-package adhesive was good with the acetone/cyclohexane mixed solvent system containing 30∼43% of acetone.
접착제의 제조에 사용되는 여러 유기용매의 독성을 저하시키고 저온안정성을 향상시키기 위해 새로운 혼합용매계를 선정하였다. Neoprene의 용해도를 이용하여 선정된 혼합용매계는 acetone/cyclohexane과 acetone/S-100의 용매계로 접착력의 저하없이 독성을 기존제품의 반이하로 줄일 수 있었다. 접착력의 향상을 위해 첨가되는 페놀수지는 Neoprene에 대해 25%가 최적이었다. 소포장접착제에서 문제가 되어온 저온안정성은 acetone이 30∼43% 포함된 acetone/cyclohexane계의 혼합용매가 적당하였다.
Polymer(Korea) 폴리머
Frequency : Bimonthly(odd)
ISSN 0379-153X(Print) ISSN 2234-8077(Online) Abbr. Polym. Korea