• Synthesis of a Chemically Organic/Inorganic Hybrid Adsorbent and Its Adsorption to Phenol in Aqueous Solution
  • Yang M, Huang Y, Cao HJ, Lin Y, Song A, Sun Q
  • 유무기 하이브리드 흡착제의 합성과 수용액에서의 페놀 흡착 특성 연구
A novel organic/inorganic hybrid TVE-resin containing SiO2 structure for phenol removal is successfully prepared by dispersion polymerization, in which the inorganic phase is composed of nano-SiO2 modified by vinyltrimethoxy silane (VTMS) and the organic phase is constituted of ethylene glycol dimethacrylate (EGDMA). The chemical structure and physical properties of TVE-resin are characterized by FTIR, TGA, SEM and BET. The adsorption studies imply that the novel materials show optimum adsorption capacity at pH=6, dose 0.1 g, contact time 60 min, initial concentration 3000 mg/L and room temperature. The pseudo first-order model can be well fitted with the kinetic process. According to the adsorption isotherm analysis, the Freundlich model gives a better fit to the experimental data, indicating a multiple molecular adsorption for phenol removal. The calculated thermodynamic parameters indicate an exothermic and spontaneous process. A mixture desorption solvent containing methanol and deionized water (v:v, 1:1) can regenerate the TVE-resin completely and the resin displays good reusability after five regeneration recycles.

Keywords: adsorption; hybrid; phenol; kinetics; thermodynamics

  • Polymer(Korea) 폴리머
  • Frequency : Bimonthly(odd)
    ISSN 0379-153X(Print)
    ISSN 2234-8077(Online)
    Abbr. Polym. Korea
  • 2023 Impact Factor : 0.4
  • Indexed in SCIE

This Article

  • 2017; 41(3): 394-403

    Published online May 25, 2017

  • 10.7317/pk.2017.41.3.394
  • Received on Aug 21, 2016
  • Revised on Nov 30, -0001
  • Accepted on Nov 30, 2016

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