• Preparation of the Blends of Poly(amic acid) and PBO Precursor and Their Properties
  • Yoon DS, Choi JK, Jo BW
  • Poly(amic acid)와 PBO 전구체의 블렌드 제조 및 특성
  • 윤두수, 최재곤, 조병욱
The themal properties, morphology, mechanical properties and gas permeability of the blends of poly(amic acid)(PAA) and poly(o-hydroxyamides)(PHAs) having pendant group was investigated. The 5% weight loss and major weight loss of the blends occurred in the ranges of 348∼407 ℃ and 589∼615 ℃ upon a heating process. After a thermcal annealing, the tensile strength and initial modulus of blends increased 3.7∼52.9% and 34.4∼70% from the value of pure PAA, respectively. Especially the tensile strength and modulus of the PAA/MP-PHA=9/1 showed the highest values(97.5 MPa and 2.67 GPa, respectively), which were 53 and 70% higher than those of pure PAA. The fine PHA domains were found to be uniformly dispersed. The interfacial adhesion between PAA and PHA was identified to be good. The gas permeabilities of PAA/M-PHA blend increased with M-PHA contents.

Poly(amic acid) (PAA)와 팬던트를 갖는 poly(o-hydroxyamides) (PHAs)를 섞은 고분자 블렌드의 열적 성질, 모폴로지, 기계적 성질, 기체투과도 등을 조사하였다. 블렌드들의 5%와 최대분해온도는 각각 348∼407, 589∼615 ℃의 범위를 가졌다. 열처리후 블렌드들의 인장강도와 초기 탄성률은 순수한 PAA보다 각각 3.7∼52.9, 34.4∼70% 증가하였으며, 특히 PAA/MP-PHA=9/1의 경우 각각 97.50 MPa, 2.67 GPa로써 최대 값을 보였다. 블렌드에서 PHA의 domain들의 분산정도는 비교적 균일하게 잘 분산되어 있었으며 PAA와 PHA 두 상간의 계면 접착력이 매우 좋음을 확인하였다. PAA/M-PHA 블렌드의 기체투과도는 M-PHA의 함량 증가와 함께 증가하였다.

Keywords: poly(amic acid); poly(o-hydroxyamide)s; thermal cyclization reaction; blend

  • Polymer(Korea) 폴리머
  • Frequency : Bimonthly(odd)
    ISSN 0379-153X(Print)
    ISSN 2234-8077(Online)
    Abbr. Polym. Korea
  • 2023 Impact Factor : 0.4
  • Indexed in SCIE

This Article

  • 2008; 32(1): 77-84

    Published online Jan 25, 2008

  • 10.7317/pk.
  • Received on Oct 2, 2007
  • Revised on Nov 30, -0001
  • Accepted on Jan 5, 2008

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