• Ion Exchange Capacity of Poly(Phenylene sulfide) Sulfonated with Sulfur Trioxide
  • Son WG, Moon SM, Baek JH, Kim DC, Park JK, Song HY
  • SO3로 술폰화된 Polyphenylene Sulfide의 이온교환능
  • 손원근, 문선모, 백중현, 김동철, 박정기, 송해영
Sulfonated poly(phenylene sulfide) (S-PPS) was prepared by the reaction of poly(phenylene sulfide) (PPS) with sulfur trioxide. The sulfonation was confirmed by the high intensity band of the SO3H group at 1140∼1280 cm-1. The ion exchange capacity of soluble S-PPS and insoluble S-PPS was 3.231 meq/g and 2.866 meq/g, respectively. The ion exchange capacity and IR absorbance of SO3H group of S-PPS were decreased as the curing temperature was increased. In addition, the adsorption of S-PPS for metal ions and the formation of crosslinkage between neighbouring phenyl rings of S-PPS were discussed.

Sulfonated polyphenylene sulfide (S-PPS)는 poly(phenylene) sulfide (PPS)를 액체 SO3로 술폰화하여 합성하였으며 1140∼1280cm-1의 영역에서 방향족 술폰산의 술폰산기에 의한 강한 흡수대에 의하여 확인되었다. 수용성 S-PPS와 불용성 S-PPS의 이온교환용량은 각각 3.231 meq/g과 2.866 meq/g이었다. 불용성 S-PPS는 경화온도가 증가할수록 이온교환용량과 술폰산기의 IR흡광도는 감소하였다. 그리고 금속이온 흡착능과 인접 페닐기간의 가교결합 형성에 관하여 논의하였다.

Keywords: ion exchange capacity; sulfonated poly(phenylene sulfide)

  • Polymer(Korea) 폴리머
  • Frequency : Bimonthly(odd)
    ISSN 0379-153X(Print)
    ISSN 2234-8077(Online)
    Abbr. Polym. Korea
  • 2023 Impact Factor : 0.4
  • Indexed in SCIE

This Article

  • 1995; 19(4): 433-437

    Published online Jul 25, 1995

  • 10.7317/pk.
  • Received on Nov 30, -0001
  • Revised on Nov 30, -0001
  • Accepted on Nov 30, -0001

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