• Reaction Kinetics and Properties of the Polyurethane-Epoxy SIN
  • Kim BS, Kim SC
  • 폴리우레탄-에폭시 SIN의 반응속도와 물성에 관한 연구
  • 김병선, 김성철
Reaction kinetics and properties of two component simultaneous interpenetrating polymer networks(SIN''s)from polyurethane(PU)and epoxy were studied. Two PU''s (PPGPU, PTMGPU) were prepared by using poly(propylene glycol) (PPG) and poly(tetramethylene ether) glycol (PTMG) as the polyol. The kinetics of PPGPU / epoxy SIN was studied by the differential scanning calorimetry. Epoxy curing reaction was slightly accelerated by the mixture of chain extending agent and crosslinking agent. PU reaction was retarded by the anhydride of the epoxy curing agent. During the SIN formation. the retardation effect of NMA on PU reaction decreased as the epoxy content was increased. But the epoxy reaction was not influenced very much. From the dynamic mechanical analysis. it was found that PPGPU /epoxy SIN''s had a very good compatibility over the whole composition range. PTMGPU / e-poxy SIN had slightly poor compatibility. The tensile strength of PTMGPU / epoxy SIN showed maximum at 20% PU. The impact strength of all SIN''s was enhanced as the PU content was increased. The PTMGPU /epoxy SIN had higher impact strength compared to PPGPU/ epoxy SIN.

폴리우레탄과 에폭시를 동시 중합하여 제조한 상호침투 고분자구조(SIN)의 반응 속도와 물성을 연구했다. polyol로 poly(propylene glycol)과 poly(tetramethlene ether) glycol을 사용해서 두 종류의 폴리우레탄(PPGPU, PTMGPU)를 제조했다. PPGPU/epoxy SIN의 반응 속도를 DSC로 연구한 결과 에폭시 반응은 PU의 사슬 연장제와 가교제 혼합물에의해서 조금 빨라졌고 PU 반응은 anhydride 때문에 지연되었다. SIN의 형성 중 PU 반응은 에폭시 함량이 많아짐에 따라 지연되는 정도가 감소했으나 에폭시 반응은 거의 변화가 없었다. DMA 결과 PPGPU/epoxy SIN은 전 조성에서 상용상이 매우 좋았고 PTMGPU/epoxy SIN은 상용성이 조금 떨어졌다. PTMGPU/epoxy SIN 은 PU가 20%일때 인장강도 최고치를 보였다. 충격강도는 PU함량이 증가함에 따라 두 SIN 모두 증가했고 PTMGPU/epoxy SIN 이 PPGPU epoxy SIN 보다 충격 강도가 높았다.

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  • Polymer(Korea) 폴리머
  • Frequency : Bimonthly(odd)
    ISSN 0379-153X(Print)
    ISSN 2234-8077(Online)
    Abbr. Polym. Korea
  • 2023 Impact Factor : 0.4
  • Indexed in SCIE

This Article

  • 1990; 14(1): 88-95

    Published online Feb 25, 1990