• Studies on Polyurethanes Based on Novolac and Tolylenediisocyanate
  • Shim JS, Park BH
  • Novolac-TDI계 Polyurethane에 관한 연구
  • 심정섭, 박봉화
polyurethanes based on novelac-tolylene diisocyanate (TDI) were prepared to examine industrial applications and their physical properties were determined. The novolac-TDI based polyurethanes were brittle, tough and transparent, coloring reddish brown to faint yellow with the increase of urethane content. Sol fraction was sharply decreased with the increase of TDI content, showing easy formation of the polymer networks with novolac macromers. The hardness was increased with the urethane content. The thermal transition behavior was determined by differential thermal analyzer and found three distinct endothermic regions: T1=110∼150℃, T2 =225∼265℃ and T3=around 400℃. The network formation seems to complete at 0.5 equivalent of TDI to novolac. The crystallinities were found on X-ray diffraction diagrams. IR spectrashowed deep free NCO group at 4.4μ on the samples prepared with the excess of TDI equivalent but disappeared below 0.5 equivalent.

Novolacs와 tolylenediisocyanate를 반응시켜 Polyurethane을 합성하고 이의 물성을 조사한 바 우레탄 함량이 적으며 취약한 적갈색이었으나 증가함에 따라 황색을 거쳐 미황색으로 변하였고 경도도 증가하였으며 sol 분율은 급격히 감소하여 TDI 0.5 당량에서 7.1%이었다. DTA에 의한 흡열전이점은 T1=110∼150°, T2=225°∼ 265°, T3=400° 부근이고 X-선 회절에 결정성을 보여주었다. TDI 당량 0.5 이상에서는 free NCO group이 존재함을 IR spectra로 확인하였다.

  • Polymer(Korea) 폴리머
  • Frequency : Bimonthly(odd)
    ISSN 0379-153X(Print)
    ISSN 2234-8077(Online)
    Abbr. Polym. Korea
  • 2023 Impact Factor : 0.4
  • Indexed in SCIE

This Article

  • 1981; 5(5): 381-394

    Published online Oct 25, 1981