Synthesis and Photosenitivities of Naphthoquinone-1,2-Diazide-5-Sulfonamide
Kang DW
Naphthoquinone-1,2-Diazide-5-Sulfonamide의 합성과 감광특성에 관한 연구
Polymer with photosensitive functional group, the naphthoquinone-1,2-diazide-5-sulfonamide was prepared. Polyacrylamide (PAA) was synthesized by redox system using ferrous ammonium sulfate-hydrogen peroxide initiator. PAAND was prepared by condensation of PAA with naphthoquinone-1,2-diazide-5-sulfonyl chloride, and the replacement of such a functional group was confirmed bur the infrared absorption spectrum and elemental anaylsis. Photosensitive properties of PAAND was investigated bur tile change of solubility before and after exposing to light. Various samples coated on glass It was exposed to light under various conditions and steeped in aqueous alkali solution, and then the yield of residual film (W/W0) was determined. The yield of residua] film, Which was closely related to the sensitizer of the film, was affected by the concentration of sensitizer added. The sensitivity was most effective when 5% of sensitizer to PAAND sample It was used.
감광성 관능기를 갖는 중합체, Polyacrylamide의 naphthoquinone-1,2-diazide-5-sulfonamide를 합성하였다. Polyacrylamide(PAA)는 ferrous ammonium sulfate와 hydrogen peroxide를 개시제로 한 redox system으로 합성하였으며 PAAND는 PAA에 napthoquinone-1,2-diazide-5-sulfonyl chloride로 축합시켜 제조하였고 모체수지에 naphthoquinonediazide group이 도입된 것을 적외선 흡수 spectrum과 원소 분석으로 확인하였다. PAAND의 감광특성을 지배하는 제인자를 이들에 대한 광조사전후의 용해도차이에 의하여 검토하였다. 유리에 도포한 시과를 각종 조건하에서 노광하고 알칼리 수용액에 침지시킨다음 도포된 잔막수율(W/W0)을 계산하였다. 필름의 감광도와 직접적인 관계가 있는 잔막수율 증감제의 첨가농도에 따라 영향이 있었으며 증감제 첨가농도가 5%일 때 가장 좋은 효과를 나타내었다.
Polymer(Korea) 폴리머
Frequency : Bimonthly(odd)
ISSN 0379-153X(Print) ISSN 2234-8077(Online) Abbr. Polym. Korea