• Thermal Stabilization of PVC in Non-toxic Stabilizer Systems : (II)Thermal Stabilization by PEG Derivatives
  • Kim KY, Lee DH, Park C, Noh I
  • 무독성 안정제계에서 PVC의 열안정화에 관한 연구: 제2보 PEG유도체에 의한 열안정화
  • 김기엽, 이동호, 박종욱, 노익삼
To improve the stabilization effect of PVC in non-toxic stabilizer system, zinc stearate and calcium stearate, co-stabilizers such as cyclic and noncyclic oxyethylene compounds were purposely added into PVC compounds in our previous paper, and thermal stabilization of PVC was markedly improved. In this study, the thermal stabilization effects of poly(ethylene glycol)(PEG) derivatives were investigated by measuring the degrees of coloration. The thermal stabilization effects of PEG distearates and PEG alkyl phenyl ether, which is more compatible with PVC and DOP, among PEG derivatives were superior to the others. It was also shown that PEG alkyl phenyl ether can be commercially used as not only a costabilizer for PVC but also a plasticizer in the Za/Ca stearate stabilizer system.

PVC에 대한 무독성복합안정제인 Zn/Ca stearate 안정제의 효과를 증진시키기 위해서 전보에서 안정화조제로서 oxyethylene구조의 환상 및 선형화합물을 PVC에 첨가하여 열안정화 효과를 증진시켰다. 본 연구에서는 열안정화효과가 우수한 Poly(ethylene glycol)이 PVC와 DOP와 상용성이 좋지 못하므로 여러 가지 Poly(ethylene glycol) 유도체 등을 열안정화조제로 사용하여 PVC의 열안정화효과를 총색차 및 백색도의 색차를 측정하여 검토하였다. Poly(ethylene glycol) 유도체를 통해서는 Poly(ethylene glycol) distearate와 Poly(ethylene glycol) alkyl phenyl ether류가 상용성이 좋았으며 열안정화효과도 우수하였다. 특히 Poly(ethylene glycol) alkyl phenyl ether는 가소제로서도 사용가능하여 실용성이 매우 큰 것으로 평가된다.

Keywords: PVC; thermal stabilization; PEG derivatives; costabilizer

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  • Polymer(Korea) 폴리머
  • Frequency : Bimonthly(odd)
    ISSN 0379-153X(Print)
    ISSN 2234-8077(Online)
    Abbr. Polym. Korea
  • 2023 Impact Factor : 0.4
  • Indexed in SCIE

This Article

  • 1994; 18(6): 1030-1034

    Published online Nov 25, 1994