Jinju Bae*, Duck Hyun Lee, Min Hyung Lee**, Dong-Hyun Kim† , and Myunghwan Byun*,†
Korea Institute of Industrial Technology (KITECH), Ulsan 44413, Korea
*Department of Materials Engineering, Keimyung University, Daegu 42601, Korea
**Surface R&D Group, Korea Institute of Industrial Technology (KITECH), Incheon 21999, Korea
한국생산기술연구원 울산지역본부, *계명대학교 공과대학 재료공학과, **한국생산기술연구원 뿌리산업기술연구소 표면처리그룹
2019; 43(4): 602-611
Published online Jul 25, 2019
Korea Institute of Industrial Technology (KITECH), Ulsan 44413, Korea
*Department of Materials Engineering, Keimyung University, Daegu 42601, Korea