• The Extraction of Paraffin Wax by n-Heptane Solvent form Sr-ferrite/paraffin wax/HDPE Composites for Powder Injection Molding
  • Cho TS, Jeung WY, Moon TJ
  • 분말사출성형용 Sr-페라이트/paraffin wax/HDPE 복합재료에서 n-헵탄용매에 의한 paraffin wax의 추출거동
  • 조태식, 정원용, 문탁진
The paraffin wax and HDPE in powder injection molded compacts should be removed before sintering and the removal of paraffin wax and HDPE is usually done by the solvent extraction and thermal debinding methods respectively The extraction of paraffin wax using n-heptane solvents which helps to remove HDPE by thermal debinding in the subsequent process by forming continuous pores within the compacts, is investigated in his work. The extraction rate of paraffin wax is proportional to the temperature of solvent extraction and the average particle size of Sr-ferrites but it is inversely proportional to the contents of paraffin wax and the sample thickness. The extraction rate of paraffin wax is observed to be lowest when the critical packing ratio of Sr-ferrite is about 60 vol% . The linear relationship between the extraction rate and the square root of the extraction time indicates that the removal of paraffin wax follows the Fickian extraction behavior.

분말사출성형체를 소결하기 위해서는 사출성형시 사용된 paraffin wax와 HDPE 결합제를 용매추출법과 열분해법으로 제거하여야 한다. 본 연구에서는 열분해되는 HDPE가 효과적으로 제거되는 통로인 성형체 내의 연속적인 기공을 형성시키기 위한 n-헵탄 용매에 의한 paraffin wax의 추출거동이 조사되었다. Paraffin wax의 추출률은 n-헵탄의 용매추출온도와 Sr-페라이트의 평균입도에는 비례하였고, paraffin wax의 첨가량과 성형체의 두께에는 반비례하였으며, Sr-페라이트의 충전율에는 반비례하나 약 60vo1%의 임계 충전율에서 최소값을 나타내었다. Paraffin wax의 추출률과 용매추출 시간의 제곱근이 직선적인 비례관계를 갖으므로 paraffln wax의 추출은 Fickian 추출거동을 나타내었다.

Keywords: powder injection moding; solvent extraction; paraffin wax

  • Polymer(Korea) 폴리머
  • Frequency : Bimonthly(odd)
    ISSN 0379-153X(Print)
    ISSN 2234-8077(Online)
    Abbr. Polym. Korea
  • 2023 Impact Factor : 0.4
  • Indexed in SCIE

This Article

  • 1994; 18(6): 1013-1020

    Published online Nov 25, 1994

  • 10.7317/pk.
  • Received on Nov 30, -0001
  • Revised on Nov 30, -0001
  • Accepted on Nov 30, -0001

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