  • Investigation of Dielectric Properties of Polyethylene-Clay Nanocomposites for Quantifying Nanofiller Dispersion
  • Saffettin Yıldırım, Kübra Pehlivan, Ali Durmuş*, and Kadir Esmer**,†

  • Physics Department, İstanbul University, 34134, Vezneciler, İstanbul, Turkey
    *Chemical Engineering Department, İstanbul University, 34320, Avcılar, İstanbul, Turkey
    **Physics Department, Marmara University, 34722, Göztepe, İstanbul, Turkey

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  • Polymer(Korea) 폴리머
  • Frequency : Bimonthly(odd)
    ISSN 0379-153X(Print)
    ISSN 2234-8077(Online)
    Abbr. Polym. Korea
  • 2023 Impact Factor : 0.4
  • Indexed in SCIE

This Article

  • 2018; 42(5): 769-775

    Published online Sep 25, 2018

  • 10.7317/pk.2018.42.5.769
  • Received on Feb 16, 2018
  • Revised on Apr 17, 2018
  • Accepted on Apr 25, 2018

Correspondence to

  • Kadir Esmer
  • Physics Department, İstanbul University, 34134, Vezneciler, İstanbul, Turkey
    **Physics Department, Marmara University, 34722, Göztepe, İstanbul, Turkey

  • E-mail: