  • Polymerization of Carbazole-Containing Acetylene Derivatives by Transition Metal Catalysts
  • Han SH, Gal YS, Kwon SK, Choi SK
  • 전이금속촉매에 의한 카르바졸을 포함하는 아세틸렌 유도체의 중합
  • 한성호, 갈영순, 권순기, 최삼권
The polymerization of N-methyl-3-ethynylcarbazole(NMEC) and N-propargyl-carbazole(NPC) was attempted by transition-metal catalysts under various reaction condition. In the polymerization of NMEC, the catalytic activity of WCl6 was greater than that of MoC15, but MoC15 was more effective than WCl6 for the Polymerization of NPC. Zieg1er-Natta catalysts were also uses. The polymer structures were characterized by various spectroscopic methods(1H-NMR, IR, and UV-Visible Spectroscopy). Poly(NMEC) was soluble in polar aromatic and halogenated solvents such as chloroform, chlorobenzene, 1,2-dichloroethane but insoluble in methanol and ethyl ether. On the other hand, Poly(NPC) was insoluble in any organic solvents. Poly(NMEC) and poly(NPC) did not show weight loss up to 220℃ and 300℃ under nitrogen atmosphere, respectively. The electrical conductivities of I2-doped poly(NMEC) and poly(NPC) were 8.0×10-3Ω-1cm-1 and 1.2×10-5Ω-1cm-1, respectively.

전이금속촉매를 사용하여 여러반응조건하에서 N-메틸-3-에티닐카르바졸과 N-프로파길카르바졸의 중합을 시도하였다. N-메틸-3-에티닐카르바졸의 중합에서는 WCl6가 MoCl5보다 효과적이었고 N-프로파길카르바졸의 중합에서는 MoC15가 WCl6보다 더 효과적이었다. Ziegler-Natta 촉매도 중합에 사용하였다. 합성한 고분자의 구조는 1H-NMR, IR, UV스펙트라로 확인하였다. 폴리(N-메틸-3-에티닐카르바졸)은 클로로포름, 클로로벤젠, 1,2-디클로로에탄에는 완전히 용해되고 메탄올, 에틸에테르에는 녹지않았다. 폴리(N-프로파길카르바졸)은 유기용매에 녹지 않았다. 폴리(N-메틸-3-에티닐카르바졸)과 폴리(N-프로파길카르바졸)을 열중량분석 결과 각각 220℃와 300℃까지 무게감소가 없었다. 요오드로 도핑한 폴리(N-메틸-3-에티닐카르바졸)과 폴리 (N-3-프로파길카르바졸)의 전기전도도는 8.0×10-3Ω-1cm-1로 나타났다.


  • Polymer(Korea) 폴리머
  • Frequency : Bimonthly(odd)
    ISSN 0379-153X(Print)
    ISSN 2234-8077(Online)
    Abbr. Polym. Korea
  • 2022 Impact Factor : 0.4
  • Indexed in SCIE

This Article

  • 1988; 12(5): 448-454

    Published online Aug 25, 1988

  • 10.7317/pk.
  • Received on Nov 30, -0001
  • Revised on Nov 30, -0001
  • Accepted on Nov 30, -0001

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