  • Synthesis and Metal Ion-Adsorption Characteristics of Polystyrene-Based Chelating Resins(Ⅲ)
  • Choi KS, Chung TS, Kim YM
  • 폴리스티렌 유도체계 킬레이트수지의 합성 및 그 흡착특성에 관한 연구(Ⅲ)
  • 최규석, 정택상, 김용무
Chitosan was prepared by deacetylation of natural chelate polymer, chitin, and oligoglucosamine was prepared by degradation of chitosan. New glucosamine series chelate resin, poly(styrene-g-oligoglucosamine) was synthesized by the reaction of chloromethylated copolymer with oligoglucosamine. The adsorptivity of the heavy metal ions such as Hg++, Cd++, Pb++ and Cr6+ to chitin, chitosan and Pst-g-OGA were investigated with the variation of pH. In the case of chitin, the adsortivities of the metal ions at pH range of 1.5-5.8 were in the following order Pb++>Cd++>Hg++>Cr6+ ; and adsorptivities of the metal ions at pH range 2.5-7.0 to chitosan were in the following order : Hg++>Pb++>Cd++>Cr6+. However the order to Pst-g-OGA was altered as follows : Pb++>Hg++>Cd++>Cr6+. Generally, the adsorptivity of chitosan containing the ligand of primary amine group in its structure showed better adsorptivity than that of chitin. It was noteworthy that the adsorptivity of Pst-g-OGA was almost the same as that of chitin.

천연고분자킬레이트인 chitin을 deacetylation시켜 chitosan을 제조하고 이를 다시 degradation시켜 합성한 oligoglucosamine을 시티렌의 골격에 도입시켜서 제조한 새로운 glucosamine계 킬레이트수지인 poly(styrene-g-oligoglucosamine)에 대한 중금속이온들( Hg++, Pb++, Cd++ 및 Cr6+)의 흡착특성을 검사하여 chitin 및 chitosan의 흡착능과 비교하였다. chitin의 경우 흡착능의 순서는 pH 1.5∼5.8에서 Pb++>Cd++>Hg++>Cr6+이었고, chitosan의 경우는 pH 2.5∼7에서 Hg++>Pb++>Cd++>Cr6+의 순으로 흡착능이 감소하였으며 새로 합성한 poly(styrene-g-oligoglucosamine)의 경우는 pH 2.3∼7에서 Pb++>Hg++>Cd++>Cr6+의 순위였다. 일반적으로 유리 1차아민기를 가진 chitosan이 chitin보다 우수한 흡착능을 나타내고 있으며, 폴리스티렌의 oligoglucosamine계 수지가 chitin정도의 흡착능을 나타냄을 알 수 있었다.


  • Polymer(Korea) 폴리머
  • Frequency : Bimonthly(odd)
    ISSN 0379-153X(Print)
    ISSN 2234-8077(Online)
    Abbr. Polym. Korea
  • 2023 Impact Factor : 0.4
  • Indexed in SCIE

This Article

  • 1983; 7(6): 372-379

    Published online Dec 25, 1983

  • 10.7317/pk.
  • Received on Nov 30, -0001
  • Revised on Nov 30, -0001
  • Accepted on Nov 30, -0001

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